Archive by tag: health technologyReturn
Eureka Stories in Healthcare Innovation

Eureka Stories in Healthcare Innovation

Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the first practical telephone was the trailhead to a path of continuous innovation evidenced currently by the ubiquitous cellular phone and other mobile devices. From great inventions will come great innovations.  In his book The Truth About Innovation, @MaxMcKeown said innovators “mixed ideas and inventions together. They worked hard to create the must-have and often [have...
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The ePatient: Empowered and Engaged Digitally

The ePatient: Empowered and Engaged Digitally

A patient is a customer. The customer is the patient. The reality of the interchangeable meanings is that either is just a person being one and the same. The customer, who receives and pays his bills, is also the patient who tries to book an appointment with his doctor by phone.
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The eDOCTOR: Connected, Assisted Digitally

The eDOCTOR: Connected, Assisted Digitally

Connected Health. Technology Enabled Care (TEC). Mobile Health (mHealth). Digital Health (dHealth) Health Technology (HealthTech). Telemedicine. Telehealth.The healthcare industry’s list of digital buzzwords is long but have two things in common: They all refer to health and the power of connectivity.  Paperless billing and electronic medical records, digital health monitors, health apps, simply put, it’s all about -  engagement, ease efficiency and outcomes.And where is th...
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