Archive by tag: telemedicineReturn
Best Performance in a Supporting Role During the Pandemic: Telehealth

Best Performance in a Supporting Role During the Pandemic: Telehealth

Face coverings, physical distancing, and frequent handwashing played starring roles in mitigating the spread of COVID-19. And health technologies for symptom screening, self-isolation and quarantine management, vaccine management, and mental health care played key supporting roles in immediate response, people empowerment, and access to care.  If 2020 had been a movie, the world has seen best performances of many actors, various players...
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The New Normal After COVID-19

The New Normal After COVID-19

 Urgent measures to save lives at all costs have been the default response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This public health crisis introduces unprecedented and complex challenges to our health system’s collective capacity to respond. More than two months into the country’s outbreak, it looks now that the urgent and large-scale responses have worked against an envisaged doomsday scenario. "What’s next?" is the question that remains. There is certainly no goi...
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Battling the Opioid Crisis in a Time of COVID-19

Battling the Opioid Crisis in a Time of COVID-19

To our country still reeling from its ongoing opioid epidemic came the COVID-19 pandemic. The public health crises in the U.S. this time did not come one after the other but overlapped. One health crisis is already one too many. These twin battles need to be fought at the same time. It is possible with technology. And neither severity nor urgency will win the argument for which crisis should be a priority—because both are claiming lives.  COVID-19 has disrupted pra...
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The eDOCTOR: Connected, Assisted Digitally

The eDOCTOR: Connected, Assisted Digitally

Connected Health. Technology Enabled Care (TEC). Mobile Health (mHealth). Digital Health (dHealth) Health Technology (HealthTech). Telemedicine. Telehealth.The healthcare industry’s list of digital buzzwords is long but have two things in common: They all refer to health and the power of connectivity.  Paperless billing and electronic medical records, digital health monitors, health apps, simply put, it’s all about -  engagement, ease efficiency and outcomes.And where is th...
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