Archive by month: 2020-3Return
Battling the Opioid Crisis in a Time of COVID-19

Battling the Opioid Crisis in a Time of COVID-19

To our country still reeling from its ongoing opioid epidemic came the COVID-19 pandemic. The public health crises in the U.S. this time did not come one after the other but overlapped. One health crisis is already one too many. These twin battles need to be fought at the same time. It is possible with technology. And neither severity nor urgency will win the argument for which crisis should be a priority—because both are claiming lives.  COVID-19 has disrupted pra...
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A Tech Strategy for Patient Care in a Time of COVID

A Tech Strategy for Patient Care in a Time of COVID

With the rising toll that the novel coronavirus is taking on the healthcare system everywhere in the world, the impact on healthcare providers is beyond measure. Quality of patient care will be challenged during this COVID-19 pandemic. The efficiency and efficacy of the healthcare system will be put to the test. Now is not the time for crisis planning and preparedness, because the pandemic is already at hand. Now is the time for the execution of strategies, if you have any, and for the mana...
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Mitigating COVID-19's Side Effects on Mental Health

Mitigating COVID-19's Side Effects on Mental Health

Google search results for the novel coronavirus have now reached over a billion (and growing rapidly). This is telling of the global concern surrounding the COVID-19 global pandemic, with fear gripping not only public health but also the economy and geopolitics. Fear, anxiety, and stress are side effects of the novel coronavirus affecting both those who are infected by the virus and those who are not. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, public health emergencie...
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Fighting Fake COVID-19 Health News Through Patient Engagement

Fighting Fake COVID-19 Health News Through Patient Engagement

Imagine 93 million Americans searching for medical and health information online, where some of it is patently wrong, but having no way of knowing what to believe. Health misinformation has fast become a threat to compliance with health treatments, to adoption of response efforts in epidemics, and to trust between health providers and their patients. Not a 2020 phenomenon at all, the spread of false health information has gone unchecked for over a decade, with social media adding ...
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