Archive by month: 2020-1Return
5 Healthcare Trends in 2020

5 Healthcare Trends in 2020

 With 2019 behind us, the era of “everything online” in healthcare enters a decade where its convenience and access will spur more innovative care delivery models. The ease of automation when it comes to communications, data, and processes, has influenced patients, healthcare providers and payers to the point that they will look more and more to smarter healthcare solutions.   Patients will expect greater access to care anytime, anywhere.  Providers will contin...
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Telehealth’s Top 3 Growth Areas In 2019

Telehealth’s Top 3 Growth Areas In 2019

When healthcare meets technology, of a number of things, it means access to care in a cost-effective way. The healthcare space, in particular, has seen a large wave of consumer-driven care delivery models steered by technology  such as telehealth. In 2019, telehealth solutions made huge leaps when it came to improving patient experience, ensuring patient safety, and delivering value-based care. Here are the top three categories of telehealth solutions that trended in 2019, and will con...
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