Archive by month: 2019-2Return
Communicating Care: Not An App, Not A Bot

Communicating Care: Not An App, Not A Bot

With the increase in bots overtaking more “natural apps” on our smartphones, when will enough be enough? After all, do you really want to talk to a chat bot? Today’s digital-led world has changed how people want and do things, the parameters being “me, here and now.” Healthcare is no exception. Patients today demand personalized care and communication. Patients have become proactive in managing their own health, and the tech world has responded. The &ldquo...
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Dr. Tech·ie (ˈtekē) : The Anesthesiologist Who’s Into IT

Dr. Tech·ie (ˈtekē) : The Anesthesiologist Who’s Into IT

To be or not to be techie is no longer a choice - it is a need now. For anesthesiologists, “being techie” is not just about being tech savvy - it is understanding healthcare technologies and how to best leverage them to improve patient care and outcomes. When it comes to adopting new technologies, the anesthesiologist is a natural. The tools in his or her practice - from anesthesia equipment to automation of clinical data - are going digital, and they’re adapting with...
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